Tag: greater-roadrunner

Greater Roadrunner — “Treed”

You may enlarge any image in this blog by clicking on it. Click again for a detailed view. I was driving through southern Arizona’s farmlands recently when a Greater Roadrunner ran across the road in front of me. Nothing unusual about that, in my rural drives I often see roadrunners

Greater Roadrunner — On the Prowl

You may enlarge any image in this blog by clicking on it. Click again in a detail view. The other day I made this image of a Greater Roadrunner as it stood on some open ground in the desert. The roadrunner was alert, even tense. Its raised crest and tail

Greater Roadrunner — Thinking of Theropods

You may enlarge any image in this blog by clicking on it. Click again for a detailed view. This image of a Greater Roadrunner has me thinking of theropod dinosaurs, those agile bipedal predators that have starring roles in “Jurassic Park” and its innumerable sequels. Birds are generally thought of

Greater Roadrunner — Foraging in Brush and a Portrait

You may enlarge any image in this blog by clicking on it. Click again for a detailed view. The other day I came across a Greater Roadrunner as I was out for a drive in southern Arizona’s farm country. Generally, these birds are pretty shy when I see them and

Greater Roadrunner — Before the Rain

You may enlarge any image in this blog by clicking on it. Click again for a detailed view. A couple of mornings ago I gambled that I could drive through the farmlands and photograph wildlife before the rain arrived. It was a bad bet. I was soon enveloped in heavy

Greater Roadrunner on a High Perch

You may enlarge any image in this blog by clicking on it. Click again for a detailed view. I don’t often see Greater Roadrunners on high and isolated perches. Roadrunners spend most of their days at ground level or on very low perches. It’s usually in early morning when I see one

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