Burrowing Owl — “Angry Bird”

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The is a popular video game marketed under the title “Angry Birds.” The principal characters featured in the game are caricatures of birds — enlarged heads, almost no bodies, evidently wingless and legless, many of which exhibit perpetually “angry” facial expressions. The game involves using a slingshot to launch “angry birds” at green pigs, with points being scored when the birds hit their targets. The game’s success led to a series of popular animated short films for small children.

Which brings me to this image of a Burrowing Owl that I made a few days ago.

The owl looks a lot like one of the “Angry Birds.” Google “Angry Birds” and see what I mean.

The little owl wasn’t angry when I photographed it. It had been cleaning debris from its raised foot the moment before I made the image, an act that had it bending forward. I caught the owl just as it had finished its preening and was in the process of raising its head and straightening its body.

There’s a point to this tale. Birds definitely can get angry, but they don’t express it with their facial appearances. Birds, including Burrowing Owls, lack facial muscles to display emotions in the way that we humans can. When a bird looks “angry” as some might interpret this owl’s appearance, it’s a coincidence and not an expression of true emotion.

Image made with a Canon R5, Canon EF 400mm f4 DO II lens+Canon EF 1.4x telextender, M setting (auto ISO), ISO 1000, f10 @ 1/2000.

2 Replies to “Burrowing Owl — “Angry Bird””

  1. cintwigg says:

    That owl has personality! Such a fun image. And you can see why it is so easy for humans to project their emotions on to birds and other animals when you look at a picture like that.

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